Six chickens by Roger L. Jones, 1986, Acrylic on canvas, 34.5 x 24.5 {Private collection)

Painting by Roger L. Jones Woodland Stream and Sheep, acrylic on canvas, 1986 42 x 48 {Private collection)

Painting by Roger L. Jones A sheepish landscape, 1983. Acrylic on canvas 54 x 66. {Private collection)

Roger L. Jones painting Sheep at wood's edge. 1983 Acrylic on canvas 24 x 30 {Private collection)

Roger L. Jones Derrière. 1980. Oil on canvas. 30 x 36 ins.{Private collection)

Roger L. Jones. Angora. 1981. Oil on canvas 9 x 12 ins.{Private collection)

Roger L. Jones. Country Cows 1977 Oil on canvas 60 x 60 ins.{Private collection)

Roger L. Jones Stepping Out 1976 Oil on canvas 22 x 22 ins.{Private collection)

Roger L. Jones Black and White on Green Ground II 1975 1975 Oil on canvas 32 x 32 ins. {Private collection)

Black and White On Green 1975 Oil on canvas 21 x 21 ins. {Private collection)

Roger L. Jones Two Black & White on Green 1975 Oil on canvas 54 x 41.75 ins.{Private collection)

Roger L. Jones Cow Patch 1975 Oil on canvas 24 x 36 ins.{Private collection)

Roger L. Jones. Alpine High 1976. Oil on canvas 21.5 x 29{Private collection)

Roger L. Jones. Pig Pattern 1974. Oil on canvas 50 x 50 ins. {Private collection)

Roger L. Jones Pig Duo 1973 Oil on canvas 36 x 48 ins. {Private collection)

Roger L. Jones. Bathers 1972. Oil on canvas 36 x 36 ins.{Private collection)